Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Brian Kinney Bring Back My Muse Dammitt!

...I have decided to watch my Queer As Folk DVDs in the hope that they will inspire me. Hopefully watching will get me back on track to write my Brian the way I want to; to make him experience things that he didn't on the show, I want to explore his thoughts. That's one thing we never got to see on the show - we never knew what he was thinking or feeling (ya know cuz he doesn't do feelings) but there were times when you could see a hint of something behind those blue eyes. I've seen hurt, disappointment, curiosity, love and shame. But they never explored it. This is what I have been showing in my story. If I depart from my story plan now it will change all that and this will become a generic 'Brian Kinney fucks a lot and ends up with Justin' fic and I don't want that! I want to explore this man and get under his skin and touch his psyche. I want to know him.

The first season of QAF is so telling of what the writers wanted us to see and know about Brian; that he is selfish and likes to fuck. But c'mon there has to be more substance than just that. I will continue to delve beyond the shield that he puts up to discover the real Brian Kinney; what makes him who he is this Unapologetic Narcissist?

Come back to me my Muse.


The Departure Of The Muse

...my Muse has left me. I have not been able to write anything in almost 2 weeks. This is so aggravating!

There is so much left to tell:

Don and Edward and their tentative friendship that blossoms into love.

Brian and Dani; there is so much sex in both their futures!

Eric and Sookie - the Viking Vamp has admitted his love for the Telepath; what now?

The problem with the Departure of the Muse is that I am having doubts about the stories that I originally set out to tell. Do I stick to the plan or do I see the Departure of the Muse as an opportunity/reason to deviate? Is the Departure a good thing then? FUCK!!!!!


Monday, September 21, 2009

Fringe - The Return Of Excellent TV!

Holy Hell, I love this show!

I watched this show from it's first episode for one reason and one reason only- Pacey - I mean Joshua Jackson! What? I'm a child of the 90s, what can I say. I grew up watching The Twilight Zone, The X-Files and The Outer Limits and Fringe is like a happy smorgasbord of all three of these shows.

I watched the entire first season of Fringe and was thoroughly intrigued, impressed, scared out of my freaking mind and completely tuned in! I have to admit that I could not stand Olivia the first few epis, but finally I 'got' her. Love Walter, he's the epitome of the 'mad scientist'. There is so much we don't know about Peter, but at heart he is loyal, compassionate, stubborn, smart and sexy as all hell! Broyles is scheming, duplictious, deceitful but dammit he is doing all he can to protect us!

So, let's talk about the Season 2 premiere - Holy Shit!

The things I loved:

Homage to the X-Files! If you blinked you missed the clip on the TV showing our favorite X investigators. Fox Mulder, I miss you. Le sigh.

Second homage to the X-Files is when the Senator mentioned it and Fringe in the same breath at the Senate Committee hearings as divisions operating at great expense but getting little to no results.

We can connect to a Parallel Universe using a very old 'two-way' manual typewriter (hey, like Peter says, nothing is too weird to believe anymore).

The Shapeshifter machine?? WTF? Yes, please! Where can I get my own?

The Charlie is now a Parallel Universer twist! I so called this! As soon as Charlie went down to the basement I said to the BF, 'Fuck, the Shapeshifter's gonna get Charlie!' Now let's see how long it takes before Olivia realizes that he is a poseur! Did anyone else think that basement scene was very X-Files?

The subtle nuances of the Nina Sharp/Philip Broyles dynamic; who works for whom? Who calls the shots?

I had two orgasms watching this show:

1. Colonel/Special Agent Philip Broyles' speech at the Senate Committee's inquiry into Fringe Division. Swoon.

2. Peter's speech at the end about them (Fringe Division) being in charge now. Swoon.


Is Peter from the Parallel Universe with the real Peter having died when he was younger (the grave which Walter visited at the end of last season)?
Why is Agent Jessup so interested in Fringe Division and why is she connecting the cases to the Bible? I swear if this turns into some sort of DaVinci Code-esque thing I will lose my shit!
Who gave Agent Jessup the password to access Fringe Division files?
Nina Sharp and Colonel/Special Agent Philip Broyles?? There was a subtle hint of this last season and me likey! He's a lovah and a fighter! She must give him awesome HJs with her cybernetic hand! *Snicker*
Is Colonel/Special Agent Philip Broyles a rogue Parallel Universer?
What is hidden and where is it hidden? C'mon Walter, create some electro-shock thingey to jog Olivia's memory!
Is Olivia/Olive a Parallel Universer, or was she one of the subjects that Walter and Bell got to 'see' the Parallel Universe by administering the drug cocktail?
Are there more of these Selectric 251 manual typewriter portals?
Does Nina Sharp travel back and forth between the Current and Parallel Universe? Does William Bell?

Is the Parallel Universe older than the Current Universe? Is that why they are so technologically advanced?

Is that how William Bell made Massive Dynamic into the top global technology companies because of this (alien?) technology?

Is the Parallel Universe populated by an Alien Race?

Is there no war in the Parallel Universe? Is this why the WTC still exists?

What brought the LOLz:

When Olivia wakes up in the hospital and she starts screaming at Peter in Greek, I swear to God I screamed at my TV, 'Fuck, not another Maenad!' (Those of you who know how much I loathed the Maryann/Maenad character on True Blood will undoubtedly understand and empathize with my reaction)

Walter's child-like excitement at being allowed to ride in the back of the van with the body and then his utter dejection when Peter warns him to stay out of the medications.

That damn cow in Walter's Lab.

The fact that they are making Peter's birthday custard in the Lab.

Astrid mixing the batter while leaning in to see the body as it's being autopsied.

Hey Walter, I too, love custard and abhor Flan, I feel your pain!

The 'surprise' birthday party in the Lab for Peter; special invited guests Walter, Astrid and that damn cow.

Love this show. It doesn't take itself too seriously, but like the X-Files, the Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits, it makes you think 'Hmm, what if?' But that's why I love it and the term 'suspension of disbelief' was truly invented for this show.


Sunday, September 20, 2009

True Blood Wthdrawal

...So it's about this time on Sunday afternoons that I start getting all tingly and excited anticipating the newest installment of True Blood or as I fondly call it, WWLD - as in 'What Will Lafayette Do' ? But alas, the season is OVAH; no new True Blood episodes until Season 3 starts June 2010! Fuck!

What the hell am I to do until then for my Vamp fix?? Vampire Diaries on the CW, here I come...*hangs head in shame*


Friday, September 18, 2009

Season Premieres - What I Can't Wait To See!

...and we're back! I've been looking forward to this all summer long! Now that True Blood is OVAH I am back to my Network shows.

Criminal Minds - The Reaper and Hotch: The Showdown, finally!

CSI:Miami - What the fuck Eric and where the hell did he go? Is this the end of the line for him and Calleigh?

CSI:New York - What.The.Fuck. They killed off Jess and now the entire Team gets shot at?? All I have to say is that they had better not kill off my faves (Mac, Don, Danny or Sheldon) the others I'm sorta meh on; they can go, they can stay, it won't make that much of a difference to me. I would be sad to see Sid go, but IN THIS ECONOMY, the shows are making cuts where they can so I feel that he and Adam are the most vulnerable. That said, I NEVAH trusted that Dunbrook guy and when he made that cryptic statement to Mac 'be safe' I took that shit as a threat and was yelling at Mac through the TV - 'Don't trust him, it's a threat! He's gonna try to kill you!!' Yeah, you don't wanna be in my living room when I'm watching one of my 'shows'.

Fringe - What.The.Fuck. The Season Finale was mind-boggling, I mean Olivia ended up in an office in the Twin Towers! Alternate Universe? Plus, more Peter, yum! Wait? Is it really Peter? Didn't we see Walter looking at Peter's grave? Is the Peter that we have come to love, Peter from the alternate universe?

NCIS - Whoa Tony and Ziva! Can't wait to see what happens next. Where does Ziva's loyalty lie? She is grieving and sometimes grief and logic don't go hand in hand. If the Season Finale proved anything it's that Tony and Ziva obviously have deep feelings for one another.

NCIS:LA - I liked the introduction to this new Team and there are two reasons for me to tune in - Chris O'Donnell and LL Cool J! I am glad that the 'Gibbs' of this Team Louise Lombard is gone; she plays the same fucking character in everything I've seen her in and she never comes across as relatable or likable.

Grey's Anatomy - George is dead! I am so happy that his character is gone; they've been under utilizing him for a while now, so good riddance. Now if they could just get rid of Alex Karev I would be a happy camper. I like the Izzie storyline and have to really, really beat myself over the head to remember to separate the Izzie character from the shrew who plays her, Katherine HAGel. Can Cristina and Owen have some romantic scenes this season? I mean, Cris needs some good lovin', ya know for when she isn't suffering an ectopic pregnancy, getting speared by a stalactite icicle or getting the shit choked out of her by a sexy vet suffering from PTSD!

God, I love my DVR!


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Divas? Not So Much.

So, Divas...I know that they are trying to move away from the 'so-called negative' connotation of this word...but guess what? Aretha Franklin? Original Diva! Donna Summer? Diva! Celine Dion? Diva! Mariah Carey? Diva! Whitney Houston? Diva! Bette Midler? Diva! Barbra Streisand? Diva! Mary J. Blige? Diva! Miley Fucking Cyrus??? Uh, how do I say this delicately...HELL NO! What was VH1 thinking? I could see Leona Lewis, Adele, Jennifer Hudson and Kelly Clarkson being at that level years from now as long as their careers have the longevity and success I think they will. Alicia Keys? Diva! (Where was she?) P!nk? Definite Diva! (Where the fuck was she VH1, did you not experience this chick's voice and performance at the VMAs?) It kills me that they would have Jordin Sparks who won American Idol and then was dropped by her record company on this show, but no P!ink! What.The.Fuck.

That said, the performances were okay, if I had to say I would pick JHud, Kelly and Adele as having the best performances. Bottom line there was no one on tonight's roster who qualifies as a Diva...yet.

To Paula Abdul, if this was the best gig that you could get after AI, then I kinda feel bad for you. Somehow, I'm hoping that them letting you go and hiring Ellen as your replacement is still a big fake-out publicity stunt and you will be back in the judge's chair for the AI season premiere.

To Cheryl Crowe, how the fuck do you let Miley Fucking Cyrus out-sing you on your own fucking song? Travesty, I am so unchecking your songs on my IPod.

By far the best performance of the night: Kelly Clarkson and Melissa Etheridge! Their voices together; fucking amazing!

If I had to put this show together here's what my line-up would be:

Alicia Keys
Bette Midler
Melissa Etheridge
Syleena Johnson (Google her, this chick has a wicked voice! Check out her CD The Voice)
Toni Braxton (she's still got the pipes!)
Celine Dion
Mary J. Blige


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

R.I.P. Patrick Swayze

Patrick Swayze - 1952- 2009

Everyone has already lauded him and his unforgettable roles in Dirty Dancing, Road House and Ghost, but I want to remember him for something me and my friends absolutely loved him in and still laugh uproariously at even now - The SNL Chippendales' sketch with Chris Farley back when SNL was still a good (read funny) show.


Lady GaGa - The Joke Is On Us

So, I've been reading all the hate and snark directed at Lady GaGa for months and really haven't had a opinion one way or the other. I mean I knew of her because I love those Just Dance and Poker Face songs and that she had my love Alexander Skarsgard in her Paparazzi video, so I really didn't understand why she was so universally loathed. So I started paying attention to her. I listened to her music, watched some interviews she gave and looked at photos of her fashions.

I have to say though, that she is talented. She plays the piano, she has a strong, pure, interesting voice, she writes her own music, she's written for others and she has her own sense of style/fashion and SHE SINGS LIVE! Kudos to her for not being like everyone else.

I like her and she killed it with her performance at the VMAs and totally deserved the Moonman for Best New Artist; I mean she's who we've been talking about all year!

See, while we've been mocking her and laughing at her and saying how overrated and over the top she is, she's been making music and converting haters into fans. The joke really is on us, cause the lady is laughing all the way to the bank while wearing her poker face. Love it!


The Rachel Zoe Project

No matter how much I try to reason with myself that I would be better off not wasting braincells watching The Rachel Zoe Project, I just keep watching it! I could blame it on the Hermes Birkin drinking game I created at the start of the first season;yeah, I take a shot of Grey Goose vodka every time Rachel is seen carrying an Hermes Birkin bag (the most beautiful bag EVAH created! I was so sloshed after one epi, she had like 5 different Birkins, the GF was like enough, already!) but the truth is I love this fucking show. I mean what is there not to love?

Rachel - I Die! Buh-Nah-Nas! Her reactions to everything are so melodramatic and over-the-top enthusiastic that you cannot help but like this woman. She just needs to come clean and admit that she doesn't eat all that much and that she really is slowly but surely starving herself and get some help before she dies. Seriously, her hubby and the entire staff are really worried for her; she really is a skeleton now.

Rodger - That man has the best hair of a celeb husband EVAH! Mr. Tori Spelling only
wishes he had that hair! Seriously, though, you can clearly see that he loves his wife even if he does get slightly exasperated at her spending habits. He is obviously very concerned with her skeletal frame; please get her some help soon, Rodg!

Brad - As long as he doesn't cry, I like him. What can I say, I have a thing for men in bowties (I'm looking at you Dr. Mallard!) . Brad went through a helluva baptism by fire from Taylor last season, but I think he's definitely come into his own this season, plus he's got another gay in his corner; Taylor's BFF Joey!

Joey - The make-up miracle worker. Love him. He reminds me of one of my BFFs; a sweet gay kitten on the outside, but a feisty Queen She-Tiger raging on the inside! He is really good for Rachel and I like how he and Brad are always there for Rachel, but are honest with her.

And finally, saving the best or worse for last...Taylor - Well what to say about Taylor? She's a bitch and I love her! she brings the drama, the snark, but most of all she knows her worth and will never fail to let her Boss know that she is irreplaceable! You gotta love the self confidence! Now Tay, tell Rachel how you feel about your position and demand what you want! Griping about it but not doing anything about your sitch leads to stagnation.

Love this quirky-ass make-shift family and their show!


The Jackass

Babes, I wasn't going to comment on the VMAs' debacle, but when the President comes out and pretty much says what we were all thinking, I just couldn't not comment on that!

I agree with the President, 'He Who Ruined The Moment Of A Teenage Girl' is a Jackass (although I have personally been calling him a douchebag, but hey some say to-may-toe some say to-mah-toe).

So bottom line, he behaved like a douchebag, then he apologized and apologized and apologized, she accepted his personal apology, so let's all move the fuck on now.


Monday, September 14, 2009

Godric and Eric

These2 pics are for my best bud on FanFic, Chris. She is a Godric fan and of course you know how I feel about my Viking vamp, Eric.


True Blood Season Finale Recap

Okay...there was so much happening here tonight:

What I liked:

Eric playing Yahtzee
No more Maenad/Maryann
No more Eggs
Sam (kinda) & Bill working together
Lafayette, you Grecian Goddess you!

What I hated:

Maryann/Eggs/Gods/Wedding - lamest, most over the top, far-fetched storyline EVAH! I am glad it is OVAH!
The Queen
Sookie's cousin Hadley (another miscast)


Poor Tara-she is a lonely, unloved individual.
Was that Charlaine Harris in the bar talking to Sam?
Loving the potential mystery of who abducted Bill (Oh is Eric behind this?)
Loving the potential storyline with Sam's biological parents.

I already miss True Blood!


Sunday, September 13, 2009

True Blood Season Finale Sunday!

Hallelujah, it's True Blood Season Finale Sunday!

My Wishes for tonight's episode:

More Eric
More Pam
More Lafayette

Is it tonight yet?


Chapter 5-Never Love Again: The Detective & The M.E. published

Hello babes,

I've just published chapter 5 of my CSI:NY/Twilight Crossover fic Never Love Again: The Detective & The M.E. Click here to access the chapter. After reading take a few minutes to show your love with a review!



Saturday, September 12, 2009

True Blood Season Finale

Considering how much I loved the Sookie Stackhouse books, I was a bit leery of them being adapted into a TV Show. Surprisingly they didn't fuck it up; it's actually really good! Yes, they've deviated from the books (a lot!) but it still has me riveted to my TV every Sunday night.

Are the accents horrible? Yes, but you get over it once you get into the storylines.

Was sexy Viking Eric's hair très horrible in the first season? Yes, but it's so much better now.

My loves:

Eric - What is there not to love??!! He is awesome and perfect and could bite me anytime.
Pam - The most underused character on the show, IMO and she has a wicked sense of humor.
Lafayette -'Tip your waitress!' is still the funniest fucking line I have heard uttered on tv in a long time.
Jessica - That girl is beautiful! She and Hoyte are so cute together ; but I feel for her having to become a virgin after every time they have sex.
Andy Bellefleur - He's an idiot but he's growing on me *hangs head in shame*
Godric - Holy hell that is one hot 2000 year old hot teenage vampire
Terry Bellefleur - He's just lovable, plus I liked him as Zach in Gilmore Girls
Jason Stackhouse - The guy is hot and dumb, nothing more needs to be said.
Lorena - That woman is a true bitch and we needed more of her!

My hates:

Bill. Yeah I said it. It could be because I know of his betrayal, but it could be the sucky acting as well and it drives me crazy the way he says 'SHUUCKEH', I mean how hard is it to say Sookie??!
The whole Maenad/Maryann storyline; enough already! I hope that shit ends tomorrow night for good!
Chow - The first time I saw him I was like WTF?? He was described as a hot sexy Asian vamp with Yakuza tats in the books so was Daniel Dae Kim or John Cho not available that they settled for this guy?? Hell I would have accepted Benjamin Bratt over this guy!
The Queen - This really pisses me off, because I ENJOYED this character in the books, but as soon as Evan Rachel Wood opened her mouth it was OVAH! She was so horrible and over the top and obviously completely misunderstood the character she was portraying.
Eggs - Enough; I hope he goes when Maryann goes.

Is it Sunday night yet?



Writing new chappies for the The Tale of The Unapologetic & The Blatant and Never Love Again! Hoping to get them published before the True Blood Season finale tomorrow night!!



Hello World!

This is an Adult themed blog. It will be filled with the musings/ramblings/rants and original fiction of a chick with a foul mouth. I like to use the word FUCK. I like to talk/write about sex - Het AND Slash. That means extremely MATURE content. If you can't handle that, then leave now! Otherwise, welcome fuckers!
