Saturday, October 31, 2009

Paging Dr. McQuiver

I have continued watching Grey's Anatomy for one reason and one reason only, Dr. Jackson Avery...known to me as Dr. McQuiver. Why? Cuz he makes muh lady parts fucking quiver whenever he's onscreen! Unnff! Swoon. Le Sigh.

The actor who plays him is Jesse Williams and he fucking owns every scene he's been in from his first episode. His eyes, the set of his lips...UUNNFFF! He's a skilled and subtle actor and seems to have seamlessly fit in with the rest of the cast. Yes, I know that I was totally against the whole SG/MW merger, but if it means more of Dr. McQuiver; I'll just have to deal with it. I like that he and Alex hate each other, you know why? Cuz he is how Alex used to be; hot and hungry. So ambitious that he would do anything to get ahead and stand out from his colleagues. That was the Alex I loved, not this bloated pussy-whipped, neutered specimen that we've been forced to endure for the past 2 seasons.

I hope that Dr. McQuiver will be a permanent addition to the SG staff, because he brings the quivers in every scene and you know me, I do enjoy the quivers.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Shamefuck...Chuck Bass

Let me preface this post by saying that I have NEVAH seen an episode of Gossip Girl, nor do I plan to change that.

So we all have a list of people that we secretly would love to fuck, but only if we could be sure that no one would EVAH find out about it. One of my BFF's shamefucks is Sylvester Stallone. I just threw up in my mouth a little just thinking about that, but Xander's reason is that he will be envisioning the Sylvester Stallone of Judge Dredd! Even I have to admit that he was fucking HAWT in that movie, 'I am Duh Law!' *Orgasms* Anyway, you see what I mean. It's not just us kiddies either, one of my Gays' mom's shamefucks is Billy Joel but just so that he can sing to her.

My shamefuck is Chuck Bass. Let me reiterate, it's Chuck Bass and NOT the actor who plays him Ed Westwick. There is a very big distinction between the two. I tend to like celebrities but I fall in love with (read want to fuck) their characters. See list on Profile to see those characters I'm talking about but here are 2 examples - Brian Kinney? Absofuckinglutely! Gale Harold? Meh, not so much. Edward Cullen? Yes please, I'll worship his sparkly peen! Robert Pattinson? I'll hang out with him at a bar and catch a band in the East Village.

Okay, so how the hell did this all happen? As you know I am addicted to a few awesome blogs on this here Internets and I follow them hourly...some of them are Gay blogs, some are Bi blogs, some are Het blogs. The one thing they all have in common? A love-hate relationship with Chuck Bass. Apparently you either love him or loathe him. From the pics and vids I have seen of him in action over the last few years, I definitely fall into the LOVE category!

What is it about him? Smug? Check! Dapperly dressed? Check! The Sultry Come To Me-Drop Your Panties-Get On Your Knees And Purr For Me Stare? Check! Smarmy? Check! Bastard? Check! There is just something incredibly sexy and sensual and debonair about this character and yes...I would definitely fuck him. *Hangs Head In Shame*

Ladies and Gentlemen, below is the reason I would ride this man all fucking night long. The Pretty. The Sexy. The Fuckhot. The Voice. The Accent. Oh God THE ACCENT!


Christine Lahti...WTF???!!!

You may have noticed the complete lack of posts for one of my favorite shows...L&O:SVU and probably wondered why I wasn't showing them any love. The reason is simple; it is hard to talk about something which you once loved so unconditionally now that it's completely gone to shit. L&O:SVU was my favorite of the L&O series (with CI coming in a very close second; Robert Goren I fucking HEART you), but over the last few years it has Jumped the Shark (Rapper-eating tigers and Gibbons in basketballs...Jesus Christ it even hurt to just type that) However, because I am so invested in all of the main characters (will Liv ever find I nice man who appreciate her and will love her just as she is? Will Ellitot ever grow a pair and leave his shrew of a wife or at least use a condom so they can stop popping out band-aid babies?) I come back every season even after all of the contrived fuckery that they have given me.

Then came last season's finale and I vowed 'no more, no fucking more'. I was done. That episode was so badly written, so contrived, it seems as though the pot weasels and TPTB just threw their hands up and said 'We give up let's just throw as many cliches, twists, turns, kill off one of our most popular and hottest supporting characters, 'injure' one of our main characters and see if our stupid but loyal viewers will buy it!' and cobbled that epi together.

Okay, none of us liked that Forensic guy Stuckey from his first time on screen and we all knew that Stabler despised him and that he made no effort to hide his dislike from Stuckey, so we really weren't surprised when all the drama (I refuse to recap it, watching it once was enough for my brain) went down. The killing off of one of the hottest recurring characters Forensics Lab guy Ryan O'Halloran? WTF ? Shame on you! The fact that the writers wanted us to believe that Liv couldn't take out this stupid kid in 2.3 seconds but had to go through the whole 'I hate my partner, but let me tongue you' ploy to disarm him??? Foul! Although her slapping the shit out of El had some soft-core BDSM overtones and me likey. Killing off Emily Fucking Gilmore?? You Swine! The episode ended and we just sat and looked at each other...shellshocked...what a complete and utter clusterfuck! So that night, all 12 of us at the viewing party in Chelsea decided en masse that we were over SVU and we would not be coming back for season 11.

Fate, however, had different plans for us. Since none of us had deprogrammed SVU, our DVRs and TiVos recorded the season premier. Which we all watched grudgingly three days later. There was no mention of O'Halloran's murder, Stuckey's psychotic break and attempted murder of Elliott 'I Need To Be Shirtless More Often' Stabler. It's like it didn't happen. Is this like that whole season of Dallas that didn't happen because Pam was dreaming everything? I personally was waiting for a shot of Forensics guy O'Halloran soaping up in the shower at Olivia's apartment. WTF??

So then we see the introduction of this new EADA, who from the minute we saw her, we said 'What the Fuck has Christine Lahti been doing to her face??? Step away from the botox lady!' and then OT said, 'she's gonna be a ball-busting bitch who's gonna alienate the squad and it ain't gonna end well for her'. So the pool began as to how she would be phased out when the pot weasels and TPTB realized that immediate feedback from the fans (that shitstorm on Twitter) would be that we HATED HER a la Kim Graylik her predecessor. I had $100 for Episode 8 where she would be strangled to death by a perp who didn't like her 'tude as Liv and El sat back and let her do their job because she said that they were incompetent and she could do it better.

Never in a million years could any of us have predicted the fuckery that was last week's episode...her own incompetence and weakness is what did her in! She tries to hit on El, she tries to hit on Liv. She tells Cap'n Cragen that acoholism is not a disease and then BOOYAH!! Epic meltdown and reputation lost.Christine, did you need the money that badly??? Can't you play the new Cardio-Thoracic Superstar Surgeon on Grey's Anatomy?? You would be perfect on that show!

The sad thing is I can't figure out if her acting truly sucked, or if that's how the character was purposely written in which case she gave a nuanced, critically-acclaimed performance. Gah! Also, please get Alex Cabot back stat form 'Albany'...or is she still 'stuck in traffic'? What.The.Fuck.

My brain hurts...L&O SVU...I Fucking Quit You.


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Chris O'Donnell You Are Officially Forgiven

I don't know about you, but I tend to hold grudges for a really long time. That redhead that cut in front of me in the milk line back in Pre-K? Yep, still hate her because of it. The cashier at the grocery store who refused to use the store card that they all keep at the register when I forgot mine? Yeah, fuck her, I still won't go to her even if she has the shortest line and it's been 4 years people!

I even hold grudges against celebrities for the perceived wrongs they have wrought against me. See below examples:

Prince - changing your name to that fucking symbol and then getting mad when we blessed you with the moniker TAFKAP (The Artist Formerly Known As Prince). You were forgiven when you reinvented yourself, regained your name and busted out the assless, lace-embellished yellow pantsuit.

Milli Vanilli - grudge still in effect. You frauds, I will never forgive you. I felt bad when Rob died, but I can never forget the fact that you made me love 'Girl You Know It's True' and then ripped my heart in two when it was revealed that that musical genius was not you.

Enrique Iglesias - The Removal Of The Mole. Nuff said.

James Patterson - For allowing the casting of Morgan Freeman as Alex Cross. Fuckery! My sister and I had been reading those Alex Cross novels and salivating over the sexy that was described and then when we heard that they had cast Morgan Fucking Freeman...fuck we didn't eat or sleep for days amid the wailing and the gnashing of teeth. Now I know a lot of you reading this are probably like Morgan Freeman is an excellent actor and he brought a lot to the role and besides James Patterson probably didn't have any say over the casting. Yeah yeah yeah Morgan Freeman is a phenomenal actor; I don't dispute that. What I have a problem with is that when you read the book and a character is described a certain way, that's how you see them in your head as you read , when you get inside the character. I'm picturing a tall beautiful brother, a sexy, suave, sensuous intellectual and you give me Morgan Fucking Freeman??? Uh, does not compute. Also, as the owner of the Alex Cross novels you bet your ass James Patterson had a say in the casting; what the fuck was he thinking giving a thumbs up to Freeman??? It's akin to casting Shia LaBeouf as Edward Cullen! See, I saw you all throw up in your mouths at that. It just does not compute!

Tom Clancy- For allowing the casting of Ben Affleck as Jack Ryan in the Sum Of All Fears. What.The.Fuck???!!! Alec Baldwin as Jack Ryan? Fuck Yes; the Hunt For Red October is the best of the Jack Ryan films and easily one of my favorite movies. Harrison Ford as Jack Ryan? Hells Yeah, he kicked ass in Patriot Games against Sean Bean (one of the most under-rated actors ever, IMO). I don't think that we would ever have seen the Jason Bourne novels on screen if not for the Jack Ryan movies. But Ben Fucking Affleck as Jack Ryan?? What bet did somebody lose that this fuckery was allowed? See above point on James Patterson/Alex Cross.

But perhaps the biggest most extreme grudge that I have been holding for the past...wait for it...TWELVE YEARS is against Chris O'Donnell for his part in the FUCKERY that was Batman&Robin. As a fan of Batman from back in the day watching the Adam West Burt Ward TV Series and collecting the comics, watching the characters brought to life on the big screen was nerve wracking, I mean, the actors playing Batman ran the gamut, Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Cloon...I can't even finish typing that it gives me hives just thinking about him in that role. The movie was awful, the plot rubbish, the acting horrendous, the costumes ridiculously anatomically improbable and Chris looked embarrassed at his own behavior. Have you ever been to a movie when you cringed and felt bad for every actor as they played their roles? That's how I felt; Arnold Schwarzenegger, George You Know Who, Chris, Uma Thurman, Alicia Silverstone, I cringed as each of them delivered some of the cheesiest, tritest drivel ever uttered. Not even Jim Carrey's Riddler could have saved this movie. This movie was so bad that it took them EIGHT FUCKING YEARS to bring the franchise back to its former glory with Batman Begins.

So, I held that grudge against Chris all these years. He started redeeming himself when he played 'McVet' on S2 and S3 of Grey's Anatomy and delivered one of the most dramatic romantic lines of all time to Mer about Der; "He'll break your heart again, and when he does, I won't be here". How's that for a character's exit line?? Bravo.

It wasn't until last night's episode of NCIS:Los Angeles that I completely absolved him of all things B&R related. This character that he plays G. Callen is one of the most subtly nuanced characters I have seen on Network TV in a long time. There is so much roiling around under his surface and I wait with bated breath each week to learn everything there is to know. First off, he's an orphan. He has no official first name; it's just a letter 'G'. Are you with me so far? He may have gotten involved with gangs in his youth before going into the service. He is a lone wolf, highly independent and a chameleon. What is endearing is that every week we get another snippet into his psyche, we see a little bit of who makes up Callen. Last week's epi where he told Heddy that he doesn't know what the G stands for that it was just G, was so poignant and sad; even Heddy felt it. She keeps dropping gems to him to make him see his 'situation' as a positive and not negative. We never pity him, we empathize with him. We see his close friendship with Sam as the older brother/best friend who he knows will ALWAYS have his back.

This week Nate the Psychologist (The Weakest Link on this show, can we Auf him NOW, please?) kept going on and on with his wannabe profile of their target and all of the negatives he was mentioning for the target were things that G had experienced and he kept throwing Callen the side-eye as he was talking like he was saying 'yeah, I'm talking about you Callen'. Yeah, Nate, as Callen and Sam summarized, ya got 'diddly squat'.

So, Chris because of this subtle, redeeming character of G. Callen, you are officially forgiven and we shall never again speak of your outlandishly laughable, anatomically ridiculous codpiece in that godawful dreck known as Batman&Robin.


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Grey's Anatomy Is On Life Support

As much as I used to love this show, even I have to admit that it is going downhill, FAST.

Things I liked:

I actually have to think hard about this as nothing immediately jumped out at me.

George O'Malley is dead. Yeah, I said it and you know I'm right.

Izzie losing the wig. It was stupid and looked like shit and was fooling no-one.

Cristina and Owen making progress in therapy and their relationship; they both deserve some happiness.

Things I loathed:

The Seattle Grace/Mercy West Hospital Merger. I guess Shonda realized that she had painted herself into a corner and just decided to bring the drama with a whole new major story-line that would be 'ripped from the headlines'; layoffs, economic crisis, yadda yadda yadda. Is it bad that I really don't care? Except for the fact that we lost some good people (the interns and that one nurse who slept with Alex back in the day) I could give a shit about this story arc. Michael K. was right, you know IN THIS ECONOMY...All we need now is a rich, charismatic Jewish Financier to embezzle all of the Doctors' money and their 401Ks. Shonda, stick to writing for your medical show and let the L&O writers continue to write their 'ripped from the headlines' fare; it works for them. For you not so much. Contrived, much?

Derek Shepherd/Richard Webber potential coup story-line. FAIL; neither of them is very good at the office politics. The one good thing about this whole story was seeing Mitch Pilleggi (Agent Skinner from the X-Files), good to see him doing actual work instead of doing cheesy ass voice-overs for a show where the masked magician outs his own tricks and then himself.

Miranda Bailey in Peeds...does not compute; bring back the Nazi.

Arizona. Please get rid of this 'diarrhea of the mouth, is my girlfriend a lesbian, is my girlfriend my girlfriend' horribly acted character.

Callie's whole story arc. She as a whiny, indecisive, insecure lesbian is so embarrassingly cliche and cringe-worthy. Where is the strong woman of the past? Her character has been the most poorly written one for a few seasons now.

Mer/Der 'post-it wedding, we are fucking like newlyweds' storyline. It sucked, still sucks and will continue to suck.

Lexipedia. Mark Sloane can do better; he deserves better. Callie is bi-sexual; let's get her back with Mark, STAT!

The Thatcher/liver transplant storyline; don't care about him but way to 'open the door' to a forced relationship between Mer and her father. *Eye-roll*

The cut interns...which one was Megan, the rotund Hispanic one? Who the hell knew that she was married to the 'constantly-startled' intern and that they are about to have a kid? Sucks for them.

Callie's tantrum and defection to Mercy West which has now been merged with Seattle Grace and now the Chief gave her her old job back story arc...totally PATHETIC and uh POINTLESS!

Owen letting himself be drawn in by Izzie's 'everybody is a potential cancer miracle like me' unrealistic, decision not based in medicine, enthusiasm shtick. Cringe-worthy...and after the patient dies (depriving him and his fiancee and family months of togetherness) she tells the fiancee to check the mouth-guard container where she will find the ring that he was about to propose to her with which will undoubtedly make her even more mournful and depressed and more prone to committing suicide to be with her love. Yeah, so thanks for that Iz and shame on you Owen for agreeing to do the surgery against your better judgment just because you pity Izzie.

Cristina and the Peeds rotation. FAIL. Embarrassing. At this point I want the entire Peeds rotation off the fucking show; get rid of Arizona. I am willing to invoke the SoDC; there are no sick kids, so a Peeds unit is therefore not needed. Problem Fucking solved!

The hysterical laughing at George's funeral. So after the 'confirmation by freckle-analysis' that Lexie is an idiot and John Doe was definitely O'Malley, they have George's funeral where the Final Four cackle like hyenas at his death, mode of death etc. I understand that grief brings out weird behavior, but even I am not a heartless bitch and could totally see that this was a not so subtle swipe at Totally Retarded Knight by Shonda. Methinks that TRK will be the one laughing after Grey's gets the axe.

Alex/ was sweet when she was at death's door but it is irritating now. The bear thing was funny though. I was rooting for the bear.

The Mark/Callie 'hallway of inappropriateness'. I love this close relationship that the ex-fuck buddies have and if it annoys Lexipedia, then I am all for it. Carry On.

The approaching Battle Royale between the residents and attendings of Seattle Grace and Mercy West. Somehow I know they're going to drag that shit out for most of the season. Maybe Arizona will lose out to the far more superior, less talkative bizarro Mercy West version? One can only hope.

Wait A Minute..hold the fucking phone. How the fuck did the Chief get an okay from the Board for the merger between Seattle Grace and Mercy West when the same Board was preparing to oust him in a coup for Der to take over?? Invoke the SoDC. Nuff said.

Is KH fucking Shonda?? This is the only explanation as to why the most obnoxious actress on that show continues to get the choiciest, meatiest, most though-provoking, empathetic, tear-inducing story-arcs!! As much as I dislike KH as the person she comes across as being in the media (ungrateful, entitled, bitchy, selfish, whiny and deluded) she acts the hell out of the material she's given even when it's shittily written. Was she right when she said that she was given shit material to act with in the past? YES! I mean for Christ's sake they had her perform mouth to mouth on a fucking deer and loudly and quite enthusiastically fuck her dead ex-fiance!! She had to have fallen out of favor hard with Shonda to have that storyline foisted upon her. Was she right for airing her feelings in public, criticizing the writers and removing her name for Emmy consideration? NO! Those moves will come back to bite you in the ass Katie. Remember you still hold the record of having the lowest grossing movie IN HISTORY! Despite all of the controversies, though, she is still one of the better actresses on the show (Bailey and Cristina are the best by far) and watching her every week, you cannot help but be invested in Izzie's storylines even if I DID want the bear to eat her.

BTW, Alex is the Weakest Link (That show was the birthplace of snark, Anne Robinson, I bow to Thee) of The Final Four. His acting is horrible and he is no longer hawt.

I miss Dr. Preston Burke. Yes, I fucking said it. I can't help but think that if he were still around that this show would be more classy, less contrived (post-it wedding...SERIOUSLY??!) and less meh.

This show is no longer 'Must-See TV' for me; it has been relegated to 'record to DVR to watch at a later date when I'm bored' status. Oh how the mighty have fallen. This show is definitely on life support and I see the next season being its last before ABC cancels it.


Happy National Coming Out Day!

Celebrate this day with Pride, Acceptance, Tolerance and LOVE!

Be the support for your friend, relative or loved one as they take a huge step today and make the decision to own and live their truth.



Saturday, October 10, 2009

Rule 34

One complaint that I have heard numerously recently is that everything seems to have some sort of sexual connotation. Case in point, this particular question: 'Why does there have to be het/slash 'porn' fanfic/artwork for say Twilight?? (Yah the Twi-Hard Moms are all up in arms about all of the Jasper/Edward slash fanfic that's out there. I can hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth from here *snicker*). My explanation to them is this:

Rule 34: If it exists, there is porn(see also smut) of it. No exceptions.

If you don't believe me, check out my own stories and some that I have favorited on my account. I have written CSI:NY het smut; yes it's based on characters from a fucking TV show! I have written Harry Potter het smut with Severus and Hermione *gasp* Yes, it's based on characters from a beloved Book Series, and am currently working on a Criminal Minds het story as well as a Twilight/CSI:NY Crossover slash. (What can I say, I have a fertile fucking imagination!)

I don't see it as porn so much as adult fanfiction/fantasy smut. I mean when I'm reading Twilight, I can't help but let my mind wander thinking 'hmmm I wonder just how close Carlisle and Edward were when he stole him from the hospital and changed him and teaching him to control his thirst'? Next thing you know, it's 3a.m. and I'm writing some totally hot man on man loving with an overabundance of the words 'cock', 'thrust', 'languid' and 'stroke. Then my buddy Yoji reads it and offers to create a quick manga for me and boom; instant internet sensation. Plus you can't tell me that Edward and the rest of the Vampires sparkle in the fucking sunlight and NOT expect there to be a plethora of stories about him shagging somebody in that fucking meadow with his sparkly erect peen plowing...see this shit practically writes itself while begging for accompanying visual illustrations!

My FanFic BFF recently introduced me to the world of 'Collie' - to those of you NOT in the know that's Clark Kent (Superman) and Oliver Queen (Green Arrow). Let me tell you their slash ain't no joke...after all Superman is the Man Of Steel, so ideally should he top or should he bottom??? I mean if he tops, he'll likely kill the person on the bottom right? But if he bottoms then will the experience be fulfilling for him? Plus, he could totally kill the person he was giving head to, right?

What I'm trying to say is that there is porn/smut for EVERYTHING. Nothing is sacred; I mean a couple of years ago I was traveling in Europe and happened across some Mikey Mouse cartoon porn. I needed brain bleach to get rid of the image of Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse going at it. My head was exploding at what was before me on the pages: gay, anatomically correct, inter-specied, beloved cartoon characters having hawt, dirty, smutty sex and speaking in French. Do you blame me for giggling the entire visit to Disneyland Paris and being unable to take pics with Mickey or Donald???
That was then; now when I see that shit I think...meh. Oh Rule 34 what have you done to me?

Oh and if you love Hentai like I do, then you are totally proving Rule 34!!

BTW, have you ever seen that show on Comedy Central called 'Drawn Together'? That show is Rule 34 personified in all its subtle glory on basic cable, people. Face it, whether the prudes among us want to admit it or not, we all like to fantasize about sex and when it involves our favorite fictional characters bring it on. I mean my Viking Vampire Eric Northman stars in my nightly fantasies, is that so wrong?? The smut is here to stay people, so writing it, drawing it, illustrating it will always be a big part of what we do and ENJOY; at least for me.



Pacey Is 'One Of Them'!?

So...Fringe...Hands down one of the best shows on TV.

Let me just start by saying that for me this show absolutely fills the void left by the end of the X-Files and The Outer Limits! It is smart, witty, self-deprecating and entertaining as all hell.

I like the Mercury-infused Shapeshifters. Very Terminator-y. But look, a shot to the head will totally kill the host body! So can't Walter create a Mercury detector to aid the Team in weeding out these Metal spies? I mean since Mercury is a diamagnetic (it will be repulsed) can't they just create a discreet mercury-detector-meter?

Parallel Universe Charlie is dead. That brings The Sads. I liked the Charlie character; good or evil. Bye bye Kirk Acevedo. Is it horrible that I was feeling sorry for him as he scarfed down his mercury and glass combo in the car?

Walter and his damn (unethical but well meaning) experiments! Giving subjects massive amounts of hallucinogens so that they can 'see' people from another dimension after they trip the hell out? Check! Giving a subject pureed flatworms (wait for the strawberries next time Olivia)to stimulate and recall their memories? Check!

Ok, let's talk about those worms - the concept of the original experiment was that the worms that ingested the pureed worms recalled their (the pureed worms') memories. Therefore doesn't it stand to reason that Olivia would recall the pureed worms' memories NOT her own? Hmmm...ok invoking the 'Suspension Of Disbelief' clause.
(hereafter referred to as the SoDC)

All epi I kept giggling and muttering 'Headhunter'. I mean seriously, they were breaking into Cryogenic labs looking for a specific head with the omega like symbol on the back of its head. That's the ultimate Headhunter*snicker*. Plus I was also thinking 'supposed one of those callously discarded frozen heads was Ted Williams? Do they have tracking devices to find the heads in case they were stolen like this?

So did anyone else get the whole mark of the beast symbolism? Yeah it wasn't that subtle. Also, I like that the symbol of the Leader of the First Wave is like an Omega - The Alpha (First) and the Omerga (Last?) PS Omega-guy is not cute... all potential beasts/anti-christs are supposed to be good-looking and charming; that's how they hook you. I guess it's okay though cause he totally looks like Voldemort. Evil but with a touch of 'doable' - cmon, you saw the shot of him on Platform 9 &3/4 in Armani, you would so fucking hit that.

Leonard Nimoy as William (or Willem) is fucking creepy...and Olivia (Livvy) is right not to completely trust him. There is so much more that he hasn't told her. I mean why not just email her and tell her all the shit that will go down if she totally fucks up her role as the Gatekeeper?

If we trust the woman who Walter hopped up on LSD, then she all but confirmed my theory of Peter being from the Parallel Universe when she saw him 'glow'. I prefer to think of it as an 'aura' cause you know Joshua is just heavenly and totally dreamy. Le Sigh...Dawson's Creek Flashback...please give me a moment...Okay, I'm back. So if Pacey, I mean Peter is really from the Parallel Universe, how is he being powered? Is he not a part of the First Wave? We haven't seen him ingesting mercury and christ we know he likes cheeseburgers! Plus he doesn't have a 'shifting device'. I'm so dying to find out Peter's back story. Also, this glow thing just made me wonder if one of the Fringe writers isn't a closeted Twi Hard; 'Squee I have an idea...let's make Peter sparkle in the sun!'. Stephenie Meyer is that you?!!

So, I want to trust Nina Sharp...but there's just something holding me back. Now that Charlie has been revealed as the shapeshifter, will Olivia truly trust Nina going forward?

Will Walter's LSD shapeshifter detector lady ever tell him about Peter's aura? Will she be part of the Team going forward. BTW, I don't trust her either. Looks like she can't wait for Walter to do her and methinks Walter is willing as long as it can be worked around his bus schedule.

What happened to the NY FBI Agent Jessup from the premiere?? I guess she was brought in to eventually take Charlie's place?

Colonel/Special Agent Philip Broyles is totally bringing the sexy every episode. I love how he remains stoic, unflappable and unphased while he says some of the cheesiest dialog every week. I present to you: "Why are shapeshifting soldiers from another universe stealing frozen heads?" Bravo Sir. Disbelief Suspended indeed. I still can't help but think of him and Nina Sharp and those awesome HJs she has to be giving him! *Snicker*

Astrid - 'Walter Bishop Deli'. Fucking. Hilarious. BTW, what kind of FBI agents are they that none of them could determine that the spinning rendered image on the Massive Dynamic FTP server was Charlie?

Until next epi...remember lovvies, Physics Is A Bitch! I am so getting that on a t-shirt!


Thursday, October 8, 2009

National Coming Out Day

This coming Sunday, October 11th is National Coming Out Day- celebrate it with Pride!

Please lend your support to a relative or friend who is about to take that huge step of coming out to their family and friends! Understand that for them it is an important step in their journey; the ability to live honestly and openly.

Let them know how much you love them and how proud you are of them for living their truth.

For more information about NCOD click here.


Saturday, October 3, 2009

Dazz's FanFic Recommendations

Here are a few of the FanFic stories I've been reading the last few weeks:


Anything by Definately Staying She writes the best fucking slash I have ever read! Hands down! Reading her stories is what turned me on to Edward/Jasper stories. Some of her stories have been removed as she's in the process of trying to get published. Go read her stuff and show her some love.

Let Your Light Shine and its sequel A Life Extraordinary both by LolaShoes. Edward/Bella but not like anything that's been done before.

The Office by tby789. This is one of the hottest Bella/Edward smutastic fics that I have ever read! One word for you - Ripward. Trust me, you will understand what that means from chapter 1. Enjoy.


Chris' FanFic Recommendations

My BFF on FanFic is Chris aka Godricsgrl89 and she has turned me on to some great stories that she's currently reading in an effort to expa nd my horizons. Here are a few of the stories I'm reading at her suggestion:

Late - by Morgaine Swann. If you're a Sookie/Eric fan like Chris and I are you will love this Fic. It's rated M for a reason people!

Boy Scout - by WCUGirl. This is an X-Men: The Movie Fic featuring Cyclops& Wolverine. Let your imaginations wander, people! It's rated M, so you know what that means!

The Good Guy - by T.Fowler. This is another X-Men:The Movie Fic featuring Cyclops&Wolverine. I have to say, the concept of Cyclops and Wolverine together is really starting to grow on me. It doesn't hurt to picture Hugh Jackman and James Marsden from the movie as I read these stories.



Lady GaGa & Adam Lambert? Yes, please!

Okay, I just had a major thought (this is what happens when the insomnia kicks in at 5a.m.):

So Live Nation announced the cancellation of the Jackass and Lady GaGa's joint tour 'Fame Kills'. We all know the real reason, two gigantic egos insisting that they each should have top billing, no one budging, Fuck you, tour canceled and each artiste goes their separate ways. Then the Jackass will go off to 'rehab'. I sure hope he won't have his Mac Boob Air in there with him, or if he does I hope the fucking Caps Lock key is Broken!!

Lady GaGa has said that she will go on tour by herself, but I had a crazy thought; she should have Adam Lambert be her opening act! Totally! I would shell out money to see their tour instead of her and the Jackass. That would be the BEST concert ever. Adam has to sing some of the songs he sang on AI specifically these:

Ring Of Fire
Mad World
Tracks Of My Tears
Born To Be Wild
Bohemian Rhapsody

Then of course I want to hear his original songs from his upcoming album. I think this would be a great move for the both of them. It would get Adam back in the spotlight, as his presence has faded since AI wrapped and Lady GaGa will benefit from the thousands of people who want to see him. Win win for the both of them. I hope they can make this happen!

I love Adam Lambert, voted for him until I couldn't feel my fucking fingers and I still can't believe he didn't win! Anyway, I know that we'll be talking about him and his great music and his thriving career 10 years from now while the AI winner wallows in obscurity like Taylor Hicks before him. What a travesty that year was too; Taylor Hicks wins while Chris Daughtry gets eliminated. What The Fuck?? But Chris got the last laugh...he is awesome, his voice is awesome and he is fucking talented and so is Adam Lambert.

Adam dude, rock out with your cock out, you got to perform with KISS, fucking KISS!! You are fuck talented and will be remembered for so much more than some lame TV talent show.


Friday, October 2, 2009

Criminal Minds Season Premiere

Okay, on a completely shallow and superficial note, let me just acknowledge how totally smoking hot the Chocolate Adonis and Dr. Sex Kitten (homage to stories I read on FanFic) are looking this Season! ROAR! Okay now that I got that out of my system, let's talk about the show, shall we.

Yes, the case about the Dr. and his son was interesting; not dramatic and I really wasn't too invested in it, ya know? I think that was the point anyway.

So Emily, let's talk, we got confirmation (subtle though it may have been) about what we all suspected from past seasons, you have a dilemma; Aaron or Derek? You have a slow burn for both of them. The scenes with you at Hotch's bedside (offering your presence as physical comfort) and then at the end seeking to comfort/reassure Derek (with your words and body language). Oh, to be you what a choice you have they are both very fine specimen of man. Aaron - brooding latent sexuality. Derek, smoking hot, burning sexuality. Uh...what the hell was I saying again?? Right, onwards.

The main story here is Hotch and the battle of wills with Foyet. Let me just say it right now. Hotch has balls of steel; he didn't flinch when Foyet shot at him, his eyes didn't even blink! Let me also reiterate, Foyet is one crazy-assed psycho! Here's an important question. Does anyone else besides me think that Hotch was raped or in some other way violated/ assaulted by Foyet? Cause that whole 'let me show you my scars' and then 'the knife being a substitute for sexual intercourse by someone who is impotent' speeches freaked me to hell out and made me think that he did something sexual to Hotch. I mean there was no need for him to take his shirt off and straddle Hotch to show him the scars, right? Then when he was talking about the impotence thing, he mentioned that Hotch might want to change his profile now. Was that because he was going to prove to Hotch that he was NOT impotent by raping him? Or was it that he was hard as he was straddling Hotch and Hotch would therefore be able to confirm that Foyet was NOT impotent. Either way, something happened that Hotch ain't telling. What an ordeal. I wonder if we will continue to see flashbacks of what happened after the stabbing and before he landed in the hospital.

I have one peeve/nitpick. I thought that Foyet was so injured by his (self inflicted) stab wounds that he had limited range of motion. How then was he able to immobilize Hotch so quickly after Hotch attacked him and knocked away his gun? Or was the painful range of motion a part of his ruse to make it believable that he was attacked by the Unsub and therefore rule him out as the actual Unsub? He did say something about making sure that he didn't do serious harm when stabbing himself so many times. Yeesh, like I said Foyet is fucking Cuh-Ray-Zee!!!!

The scene with Hotch saying goodbye to Jack at the hospital was very sad and what he told Rossi at the end is scary; if Foyet stops killing for another 10 years just to torture Hotch, what will Jack remember about his Dad? Guh, cue the waterworks at that.

Nice epi, but I hope they bring Foyet out to play again soon, he is oh so scary, but he also brings the drama.

Good on your Derek for not letting Foyet get to you and make you lose your nerve and fall apart with the guilt about your 'creds'.

To Dr. Sex Kitten, I love your new hair and I hope you get better soon. Sucks about the 'death by Cop' end to the standoff with the father and you getting shot in the process.

I wonder if they're going to have Emily and Hotch start a relationship under the guise of her 'helping him to heal'.*Snicker*

Will Hotch continue to lie that he doesn't remember anything after the first stab wound? BTW, Rossi ain't buying that Hotch.

Good to have the show back.


New FanFic Story for CSI:NY Published!

So, since I was underwhelmed by the Season Premiere of CSI:NY, I have decided to write a FanFic for our boys Mac and Don. It is called Let Me Be Your Anchor. Here is the summary: "I know that he is not ‘fine’, he is not ‘okay’, but how do I reach him? How can I tell him that I am here for him; here to be his strength, his rock, his anchor? He needs to know that he does not have to grieve alone." Right now it's written from Mac's POV.

My Muse left me for my other stories, but this idea came to me last night and I just had to get it out and published.



Thursday, October 1, 2009

CSI:Miami Season Premiere - Now This is How It's Done!

So even though it hasn't solved the mystery of why Delko did what he did in the Season Finale, this episode was top notch in that it showed us the evolution of the CSI Team.

Love the HoCaine Delko interactions and their obvious close relationship from the very start. This episode was packed with a lot of full circle moments and God I hope that Alex is coming back for more episodes this season; her presence has been sorely missed from this makeshift family.

The genesis of the HoCaine sunglasses revealed! It's these little details that made the epi fun and poignant.

Calleigh's up-beat peppiness, whoa! Glad she toned that shit down over the years, LOL.

HoCaine's emotional speech at Delko's bedside about Delko being all that he had left is telling of the close relationship they share. He is Delko's brother in law; but as we can see from their first interactions, he is a mentor and a father figure to Delko as well. I have to ask though, how many head injuries will Delko have to be subjected to?? This is like the 15th bajillionth time he's been shot in the head, right?

How could you miss the 'phase out the old, bring in the new' overtures of the entire epi....but I like that it was HoCaine's innate curiosity and 'follow the Evidence' mantra that was the impetus for the formation of the CSI Lab.

Can't wait to find out the back story on Eddie Cibrian's character; what's he been doing for the past 12 years?

Nicely done CSI:Miami, nicely done.


CSI:NY Season Premiere - Can You Say 'Cop-Out'?

So we all waited all summer with bated breath to find out who was responsible for the drive-by shooting of our favorite Detectives/CSIs and MEs and what do we get??? The biggest crapfest cop-out (pun definitely intended) since the Moldavian Wedding Massacre on the prime-time soap Dynasty (oh Alexis how I miss thee!) back in the 80s! Seriously, we had all of the build up for Dunbrook in the season finale with superb acting from Craig T. Nelson and we trot out this lame ass 'let's hold the city for ransom because we can' plot-line??? It looks like the actors themselves were like WTF, you could clearly see the incredulous looks on their faces when the motive for the shootings was all revealed.

Let me start of on a totally shallow and superficial note; everyone was looking great this epi! Nice and 'refreshed' if you know I mean *wink wink* *cough Stella and Mac cough*.They must have a new wardrobe person as well, because the clothing is a lot younger and hipper. Seeing Mac in his V-neck wool/cashmere sweater had me drooling for the first half of the epi. Flack, my secret husband, you are scrumptious in blue!

So Danny was wounded and is temporarily paralyzed. Um...okay I totally lost out in that pool, I thought for sure he was 'off-limits' ya know because of the new baby. Speaking of Danny, let's talk about his wife Lindsay. Now, I have nevah been a Lindsay fan, can't stand her, but dammit the way she was reassuring Danny and comforting him was just beautiful and touching. The whole speech about her bringing her umbrella because they said there was a 10% chance of rain and comparing that to the 10% chance of Danny walking again was poignant and it made me a little teary-eyed. Of course when it started raining at the end and Danny moves his foot, well,, yeah cue the full on water-works.

Adam and Stella??? What.The.Fuck? I know that in times of trauma we turn to those closest to us for comfort and solace, but damn it all to hell, as someone who is an ardent Stella/Sheldon shipper, I call BS on the Adam/Stella hook-up. Their little speech about it being great but never to be repeated brought the LOLz, who hasn't given that exact speech at some point in their career to a colleague you fucked but shouldn't have (office Christmas party 2004). Are we to believe that this randomly introduced Crime Scene Cleaner girl is to be a not so subtle new love interest for Adam? I hope not, that was as subtle as a brick and I did not like her at all.

Donald Flack. I love him. I am worried for him, because we know that he is back too soon after Jess' death. I can already see that he will resort to self-destructive behaviour to deal with Jess' death; random sexual hook-ups (who was the chick he hugged in the bar?), excessive drinking...yeah I can see TPTB dragging that shit out. I hope so because Eddie Cahill needs a great story-line to show his acting range. Flack just seems too well-adjusted for a man that lost the love of his life a month ago.

Mac Taylor. I love him. He's a great leader, but like Stella said, you're part of a Team; you lead said Team and should therefore act accordingly; no more cowboy antics for you darling.

Sid, I had you down as being expendable and getting killed off, but I am happy that you are still there in the morgue, buddy.

Sheldon Hawks. Yum. I love him and goddamn TPTB for not letting you have a comfort fuck with Stella. That's alright, I'll just re-read the FanFic I wrote for the two of you.

All in all it was an okay episode, definitely not the caliber one would expect for a season premiere; I can't believe I waited all summer for this lame-ass 'resolution' to a good season finale. Meh.
