Wednesday, March 31, 2010

True Blood Season 3 - June 13th

Hello Lovies!

Season 3 of our fave show True Blood starts June 13th!

Below are two promos HBO is running to draw you in.

JFC, Eric Northman is the ultimate VILF. Le Sigh and Swoon (with major quivers)!

Can't wait!

I hope they make a promo that's Lafayette specific, cause you all know how much I love me some Lafayette!

Tip your waitress, bitches!


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Word Death: Orbs

The word 'orbs' is now officially DEAD TO ME. Cause of death - overuse in the Twilight Fandom e.g.'Edward stared deeply into Bella's chocolate ORBS'. GAG.ME.

So, yah, thanks for that Stephenie 'Fade To Black' Meyer.


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Presenting Ryan Locke. That.Is.All.

Hello Lovies,

So, I'm not the biggest Beyoncé fan out there, but I do love a few of her songs/videos.

When I first saw her video for 'If I Were A Boy', as soon as I saw her 'partner', I got the QUIVERS! Damn that man is fucking beautiful...AND sporting some serious jaw porn, lovies. His name is Ryan Locke and he is absolutely GORGEOUS. Plus what a smile and I like the way his mouth moves when he talks. Guh!

Watch the below video and enjoy...I'm sure you'll agree he looks great in that uniform although methinks he would look even better out of it...


Thursday, March 18, 2010


Hello Lovies!

Hope you guys are all recovered from your various St. Patty's Day celebrations. I am pleased to announce that not a single drop of alcohol passed my lips! YAY!

Have you ever had green corned beef on green bread? No, then you are definitely missing out. I do, however, draw the line at green mayonnaise. You do not fuck with mayonnaise. Ever.

Okay, so now onto the subject of this post.

So you know how I love reading my Twilight fanfiction, right? Well, it's getting very hard for me now that I have discovered this insidious undercurrent in a lot of the fics where Alice is a character. I swear to God, if I have to read one more fucking instance where Alice squealed, Alice clapped her hands, Alice jumped up and down, Alice bounced, Alice is Pixie-like, Alice forces Bella to go shopping, I will fucking stab myself in the left eye!!! OMFG, the characterization of Alice is the worst characterization of the entire Twilight fandom.

People, there is more to Alice than the above. She is a loyal friend, sister, spouse, daughter. She is fiercely protective of her friends and family. She is compassionate and caring. We can make her enthusiastic without making her fucking annoying. She is a young woman not a 10 year old screaming at a JoBro concert. Sheesh.

I have had many a story absolutely ruined because this characterization of Alice is so over the top it takes on a life of its own and is totally distracting to the overall plot of the fic.

Authors, I beg you, please find more realistic ways to show Alice's nature other than the practically psychotic, hyper, uncaring, evil-Pixie bully.

Thank You.



Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patty's Day

Happy St. Patty's Day everyone!

For the record, adding green food coloring to Martinelli's Sparkling Apple Cider sounded like a good reality...not so much.

Since one of my New Year's resolutions was to stop imbibing alcohol, I know that today (and this coming Saturday when my city has its parade) are going to be tempting as fuck for me. But I will prevail!

Remember, if you are going to drink DON'T drive. If you are going to drive DON'T drink.

Be safe and responsible, lovies and have a great day!


Sunday, March 14, 2010

New FanFic Story for Criminal Minds Published

Hello there,

I just published a new FanFic for Criminal Minds - The Man Behind The Mask.

Summary: This story takes place directly after the events in the Season 5 Episode 2 'Haunted'. Emily is at a crossroads, she has a choice to make. Will it be the right choice? Will she get what she wants...what she so desperately needs?

It's an Emily Prentiss 2 chapter story and is told entirely in her POV.

Need more incentive to read? Derek Morgan+hawt couch lovin'.

Give it a read and let me know what you think.



New FanFic Story for NCIS Published

Hi there,

I just published a new FanFic for NCIS - He Told Me.

Summary: Jethro tells Tony what he's yearned to hear…and then some.

It's a short one shot of Tibbs (Tony and Gibbs).

Give it a read!



Happy Steak And BJ Day

Hello Lovies,

First, to all my boys, let me take this opportunity to wish you a very Happy Steak & Blowjob day.

Your significant others are PREPARED & EAGER to lavish you with the attention you so richly deserve.

For those of you who have no idea what I am talking about, S&B Day is the male equivalent of Valentine's Day. On Valentine's Day our men lavish us with candy, chocolate, flowers, gifts, spa-days, sex (sorry, I mean 'love making') etc. everything that they know we want as a way for them to show us their love and appreciation. Well for S&B Day all our men really want is a well cooked steak and a BJ. How could we NOT give them what they want?

You can make it more interesting...breakfast in bed, then the BJ. Let him watch sports - in peace- then sex preferably on his favorite recliner with you on top. Then lunch - the aforementioned well cooked steak along with other of his favorite gastronomic delights. Then more sports watching for him. Then later in the evening give him his token present (those basketball/hockey/football/baseball tickets/memorabilia that he's been hinting at for the last few months). Then a nice soak in the tub for the both of you. Then some mind blowingly spectacular sex (with you in control of course) to make that man feel cherished, loved and totally like the sex god he is! Then bed. Set the alarm for 11:30p.m. and when you wake, give him another spectacular blowjob to end his awesome day.

BTW, I've ordered one of the below for each of us to wear today while lavishing our men. I left them in everyone's linen closet.

You're welcome!!!

Hope you all have a great day and night and let your man know just how much you love and cherish him.



Friday, March 12, 2010

I Miss Lafayette

I cannot wait for June to get here! What's the occasion? Perhaps a June wedding, you ask? Nope, it's the return of the Awesome True Blood! Whoohoo!

When season 2 ended I went into some serious True Blood withdrawal on Sunday nights. I would wander around my house muttering 'Needs more True Blood' in a creepy Gollum voice. Yes, I am a total dork, don't you dare judge me!

As someone who has read all 9 of the books in the Southern Vampire Mysteries series (the series upon which True Blood is based) I knew that Lafayette gets killed off in Book 2; he was actually supposed to be the body that was found in Andy Bellefleur's car (not Ms. Jeanette). However, because Lafayette turned out to be such a popular and favorite character of the fans and the critics, series creator Alan Ball decided to change and prolong his storyline.

Hands down, the actor who plays him, Nelsan Ellis is one of the most talented actors on the show, able to showcase a wide range of emotions - fear, anger, disappointment, vulnerability, compassion - you name it this man can do it and do it well. He emotes so well that you as the viewer have an almost visceral reaction to whatever scene he is playing. When he gets angry about being disrespected, he makes you feel his anger at the situation. When he's feeling frisky while doing a dance for his website, it makes you feel a little risque and mischievous too. When he feels compassion for Tara, you feel it too. When he feels the fear for Eric you definitely feel it and moreso you are reminded of what a vicious creature Eric is capable of being. When Lafayette was chained in the basement at Fangtasia, he made you feel everything that he was feeling; fear, despair, hopelessness, resolve...everything was so palpable. This is the mark of a truly gifted actor and I hope that Nelsan gets the chance to continue to showcase that talent even after his tenure on True Blood comes to an end.

So, he has some memorable scenes from the 2 seasons, but the below scene is when we were first introduced to the sheer awesomeness of Lafayette Reynolds; Merlottes' resident cook and no nonsense, take no shit, flamboyant, sexy-assed, buffed, gay man.

Seriously, how powerful was he in this scene?? I tell you Nelsan kills it every single time with Lafayette!

So, after this particular episode aired, I was saying the phrase 'tip your waitress' as a response to practically everything, LOL. This is one of the reasons that they kept Lafayette around, the man can take a relatively short scene and make it so memorable that that's all you will remember all week when you're doing your True Blood recaps with friends. He became a breakout star of the show and it is well deserved.

I'm feeling the Lafayette Love people!

'Tip Your Waitress!'


Thursday, March 11, 2010

UNF...Alexander Skarsgård. That.Is.All.

Now THIS put me in a better mood!

Behold the pure sexy that is Alexander Skarsgård in these really well done black and white photos.

Watch him in action in the accompanying interview. Le Sigh.

I can't wait for True Blood to be back in June so that I can get my Sunday night fix of my sexy Viking vampire Eric. Guh and UNF!


Too Good To Be True

Hello lovies, just a warning - today I'm being a total cynical bitch. See below to understand ONE of the reasons why.

Back on December 31st, 2009 I wrote a post about Kish (Kyle and Fish) the gay couple on ABC's One Life To Live having their first time depicted (somewhat) on TV and how it was progress for the LGBT community. Click here for the post.

Well, hold your horses, cuz according to TV Guide they'll be gone come mid April. Yup, ABC (and you know how much I hate those fuckers and refuse to watch them) has decided to basically write the couple out of the show come mid April supposedly because Kish specific episodes had low ratings. Uh, how about the fact that you had another storyline going that was so contrived and dare I say insulting (and not just to the LGBT community) involving someone PRETENDING to be a lesbian for political gain? Could that despicable storyline be part of the reason for low ratings? Plus, overall your soap just isn't that great! You'll lose the viewers that tuned in just to see the Kish storyline. Although if they were like me and were still in my Adam Lambert induced boycott of ABC I was watching the Kish stuff online so as NOT to be counted in ABC's ratings.

Well, just like the homophobia they demonstrated last year with the censoring of Adam Lambert's performance on the American Music Awards, dropping him from GMA, then inviting FELON Chris Brown to be interviewed and to perform which was tantamount to saying that Chris was more decent than having a talented homosexual singer/entertainer be interviewed and perform, should I really be surprised that ABC would kill this gay storyline? No, I shouldn't, but because I try to live in a world and conduct my own life where I have faith that everyone would be afforded the same rights/opportunities etc. no matter color, creed, class, social standing or SEXUAL ORIENTATION, it still saddens and angers me. Obviously I am living in a fucking fantasy world. Well today, I take off my Rose-colored Gucci shades of hope and turn into a cynical realistic bitch. With everything that has been happening the past few months regarding the denial of rights for same sex marriage and blatant discrimination of homosexuals (Adam Lambert and Johnny Weir) it just seems as though there is a targeted grassroots negativity campaign on homosexuals.

Well, this cynical bitch is off to watch her Queer As Folk DVDs; watching Brian Kinney fuck or get blown in the backroom at Babylon always cheers me up.

Oh, and FUCK YOU ABC! Fuck you to the deepest, fieriest pits of Mordor!

*Puts Gucci shades back on , cuz DAMN I look good in them*
