Sunday, March 14, 2010

Happy Steak And BJ Day

Hello Lovies,

First, to all my boys, let me take this opportunity to wish you a very Happy Steak & Blowjob day.

Your significant others are PREPARED & EAGER to lavish you with the attention you so richly deserve.

For those of you who have no idea what I am talking about, S&B Day is the male equivalent of Valentine's Day. On Valentine's Day our men lavish us with candy, chocolate, flowers, gifts, spa-days, sex (sorry, I mean 'love making') etc. everything that they know we want as a way for them to show us their love and appreciation. Well for S&B Day all our men really want is a well cooked steak and a BJ. How could we NOT give them what they want?

You can make it more interesting...breakfast in bed, then the BJ. Let him watch sports - in peace- then sex preferably on his favorite recliner with you on top. Then lunch - the aforementioned well cooked steak along with other of his favorite gastronomic delights. Then more sports watching for him. Then later in the evening give him his token present (those basketball/hockey/football/baseball tickets/memorabilia that he's been hinting at for the last few months). Then a nice soak in the tub for the both of you. Then some mind blowingly spectacular sex (with you in control of course) to make that man feel cherished, loved and totally like the sex god he is! Then bed. Set the alarm for 11:30p.m. and when you wake, give him another spectacular blowjob to end his awesome day.

BTW, I've ordered one of the below for each of us to wear today while lavishing our men. I left them in everyone's linen closet.

You're welcome!!!

Hope you all have a great day and night and let your man know just how much you love and cherish him.



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