Thursday, March 11, 2010

Too Good To Be True

Hello lovies, just a warning - today I'm being a total cynical bitch. See below to understand ONE of the reasons why.

Back on December 31st, 2009 I wrote a post about Kish (Kyle and Fish) the gay couple on ABC's One Life To Live having their first time depicted (somewhat) on TV and how it was progress for the LGBT community. Click here for the post.

Well, hold your horses, cuz according to TV Guide they'll be gone come mid April. Yup, ABC (and you know how much I hate those fuckers and refuse to watch them) has decided to basically write the couple out of the show come mid April supposedly because Kish specific episodes had low ratings. Uh, how about the fact that you had another storyline going that was so contrived and dare I say insulting (and not just to the LGBT community) involving someone PRETENDING to be a lesbian for political gain? Could that despicable storyline be part of the reason for low ratings? Plus, overall your soap just isn't that great! You'll lose the viewers that tuned in just to see the Kish storyline. Although if they were like me and were still in my Adam Lambert induced boycott of ABC I was watching the Kish stuff online so as NOT to be counted in ABC's ratings.

Well, just like the homophobia they demonstrated last year with the censoring of Adam Lambert's performance on the American Music Awards, dropping him from GMA, then inviting FELON Chris Brown to be interviewed and to perform which was tantamount to saying that Chris was more decent than having a talented homosexual singer/entertainer be interviewed and perform, should I really be surprised that ABC would kill this gay storyline? No, I shouldn't, but because I try to live in a world and conduct my own life where I have faith that everyone would be afforded the same rights/opportunities etc. no matter color, creed, class, social standing or SEXUAL ORIENTATION, it still saddens and angers me. Obviously I am living in a fucking fantasy world. Well today, I take off my Rose-colored Gucci shades of hope and turn into a cynical realistic bitch. With everything that has been happening the past few months regarding the denial of rights for same sex marriage and blatant discrimination of homosexuals (Adam Lambert and Johnny Weir) it just seems as though there is a targeted grassroots negativity campaign on homosexuals.

Well, this cynical bitch is off to watch her Queer As Folk DVDs; watching Brian Kinney fuck or get blown in the backroom at Babylon always cheers me up.

Oh, and FUCK YOU ABC! Fuck you to the deepest, fieriest pits of Mordor!

*Puts Gucci shades back on , cuz DAMN I look good in them*


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