Thursday, March 18, 2010


Hello Lovies!

Hope you guys are all recovered from your various St. Patty's Day celebrations. I am pleased to announce that not a single drop of alcohol passed my lips! YAY!

Have you ever had green corned beef on green bread? No, then you are definitely missing out. I do, however, draw the line at green mayonnaise. You do not fuck with mayonnaise. Ever.

Okay, so now onto the subject of this post.

So you know how I love reading my Twilight fanfiction, right? Well, it's getting very hard for me now that I have discovered this insidious undercurrent in a lot of the fics where Alice is a character. I swear to God, if I have to read one more fucking instance where Alice squealed, Alice clapped her hands, Alice jumped up and down, Alice bounced, Alice is Pixie-like, Alice forces Bella to go shopping, I will fucking stab myself in the left eye!!! OMFG, the characterization of Alice is the worst characterization of the entire Twilight fandom.

People, there is more to Alice than the above. She is a loyal friend, sister, spouse, daughter. She is fiercely protective of her friends and family. She is compassionate and caring. We can make her enthusiastic without making her fucking annoying. She is a young woman not a 10 year old screaming at a JoBro concert. Sheesh.

I have had many a story absolutely ruined because this characterization of Alice is so over the top it takes on a life of its own and is totally distracting to the overall plot of the fic.

Authors, I beg you, please find more realistic ways to show Alice's nature other than the practically psychotic, hyper, uncaring, evil-Pixie bully.

Thank You.



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