Thursday, December 3, 2009

What The Hell New York? What.The.Hell.

This is the one that truly hurt the most. As a former New Yorker, as someone who has lived and loved in that state, I am ashamed, dismayed, angered and saddened at what has happened there.

As the state where most of my gays live, their lives were directly impacted and their civil rights denied when the NY Senate yesterday rejected a bill which would have allowed same sex couples to marry. The vote was 38 to 24, pretty decisive in showing that there is still great opposition to granting same sex couples equal rights to marry.

Read about it here.

Today we grieve, but tomorrow we continue the fight to ensure that our loved ones, our friends are granted their civil rights to marry and live their truth as gay Americans entitled to the same rights and benefits as heterosexuals.

As a heterosexual woman, who at this point in her life is not really interested in getting married or having kids, it would be easy for me to take the fact that I have that right for granted. Trust me, though, I don't. Why? Because I am surrounded by my gay family and friends who want to marry their spouses, who want to have children with their spouses and have their unions and their families recognized and be afforded the same benefits as heterosexual couples. It is ludicrous that we are even having to debate this, or vote on this, but one day, there truly will be equal rights for my friends.

New York State Senator Ruth Hassell-Thompsom voted YES; we need more like her to aid us in our fight for marriage equality. Watch her poignant speech and vote below.

Another ally in New York State Senator Diane Savino. Awesome speech and she voted YES!

I saw this on YT today and it is a very eloquent condemnation of the fact that same sex couples have to ask permission to receive marriage equality. Different geographic location, same principle.

My heart is sad and my spirit is angry today, but my resolve is stronger than ever.


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